Questions About the DUI Process
Miami Bail Bonds News: Questions About the DUI Process
The police just arrested my friend for DUI. How do I get him / her out of jail?
Call a Miami bondsman. The amount of the bond will depend on the severity of the alleged crime. For lesser crimes or for individuals with no prior record, the court may not require a bond and may release the individual on pre-trial services. Otherwise, you will need someone to post 10% of the total bondable amount set by the court. For a standard DUI, the bond amount is $1500.
What signs of drunk driving do police officers look for?
According to research by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the following driving behaviors are common indications that the driver is intoxicated:
Turning with a wide radius
Straddling center of lane marker
"Appearing to be drunk"
Almost striking object or vehicle
Driving on other than designated highway
Speed more than 10 mph below limit
Stopping without cause in traffic lane
Following too closely
Tires on center or lane marker
Braking erratically
Driving into opposing or crossing traffic
Signaling inconsistent with driving actions
Slow response to traffic signals
Stopping inappropriately (other than in lane)
Turning abruptly or illegally
Accelerating or decelerating rapidly
Headlights off
However, speeding is not considered a sign of driving while intoxicated. Drunk drivers do not have the quick reflexes necessary to speed without crashing.
What should I tell a police officer if he stops me and asks if I've been drinking?
You are not legally obligated to answer a question that could be incriminating against you. You may politely respond that you would like to speak with an attorney before answering any questions. However, it is not incriminating to say you had one or two beers; that would not be enough to get you drunk. In fact, if the officer smells alcohol on your breath, this explanation might prove satisfactory. Learn more about DUI process in Miami-Dade >
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