How Do Bail Bonds Work, Miami Bail Bondsman
How Do Bail Bonds Work, Miami Bail Bondsman
You get that call in the middle of the night that we've all dreaded one of your friends or perhaps one of your relatives has been arrested in Miami and they're in jail and they need help. They need to get out of jail. And you vaguely remember this concept of bailing someone out of jail, but you don't know how bail bonds or bail works. Hello, I'm Robert Todd and I'm here to answer the question. How to bill. How do bill bonds work? Well, first of all, bail is just that it is someone putting up a sufficient collateral, our security to authorize the court to release someone from jail. And generally speaking, if the bail is of any significant amount, a bond is going to be required because someone can't come up with all of the money. And what happens is the bail bond puts up the money and takes the percentage of what that bail bond is for their services. The bond basically secures that that person will appear in court for any summoned hearing. If they don't appear in court, the bond is forfeited. So therefore the bail bond has a reason to ensure that that individual appears in court when summit. I'm Robert Todd, and thank you for watching.