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Florida domestic violence chief is paid $761,000 a year, ‘That’s ... ridiculous.’

Miami Bail Bond News: ‘That’s ... ridiculous.’ Florida domestic violence chief is paid $761,000 a year.

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Tiffany Carr runs the state’s top domestic violence organization, a nonprofit that uses public money — state and federal — to finance shelters and other essential services. And she makes a good living.

How good? In a June 30, 2017 report, the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence disclosed she is paid $761,560 annually, a salary that is approved by its board. She hit that mark after receiving pay raises totaling $313,475 over a two-year period.

“That’s — it’s ridiculous,” said Dan Ravicher, a professor at University of Miami School of Law who focuses on nonprofits, business and social entrepreneurship. “We’re talking almost 2 percent of the budget being paid to one person. That’s pretty unusual.”

Carr’s coalition, a nonprofit that reports its top salaries on annual Internal Revenue Service forms called 990s, is one of many private organizations that receive state funds to provide social services. In addition, the coalition operates as a pass-through, awarding public funds to smaller domestic violence organizations.

“It is surprising that a private nonprofit organization serving such a vulnerable population requiring critical services would set a salary at more than $750,000,” said Mara Gambineri, deputy communications director for Gov. Rick Scott. “This organization should provide a full explanation and give reassurance that the important services they provide are not being diluted by this expense.”

In fact, the state, which provides slightly more than half of the coalition’s funding, apparently had no idea Carr was pulling down such a hefty salary.

A written statement from Mike Carroll, the secretary of Florida’s Department of Children & Families, said the coalition’s budget on file with his agency lists her salary as $300,000, “which may be inconsistent with federal tax documents filed by FCADV.”

In response to the Miami Herald’s inquiries, he ordered a “comprehensive financial audit of all DCF contracted funds allocated to FCADV executive salaries.”

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